This week we did a brief 10 minute meeting with our teacher to discuss our progress and ask questions. I was concerned about how many inquiry posts should me made. He assured me that it should be around one a week but an estimate of 10-12. I also learned the the technology inquiry project I’m doing on digital literacy doesn’t need weekly updates, but we can post them if we want. It’s more focusing on the final presentation and what we leave behind. We talked about how my group is using a troll board which he confirmed as a helpful source. I also discovered that the weekly reflections are based more on our class discussions than our readings so I realized that I need to stay on top of whats happening in class so I don’t forget anything. He complimented my skills in video editing and helped me realize what an essential tool film can be as a teacher. I need to remember to go back into my reflections to post the actual videos because right now the website is just showing the youtube videos I’ve posted as links. Lastly we talked about twitter and how it can be used as a professional tool. This week I also came to the realization of what is professional on social media and what is personal. I spent the week going through the different webpages im a part of and making them private or deleting them. Considering I have been active on the internet since I was 12 years old, theres some content I probably wouldn’t want my students seeing. After having my conversation with Micheal, he assured me that I can burry that content with new, professional content and make most of my personal accounts private which makes me feel more comfortable with my digital blueprint as a professional practitioner.
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